Frequently Asked QuestionS

Can I Join?


How do I join?

Fill out the form above to be added to our member list and receive weekly email updates!

Discord is a great way to get updates on all things WiCS. Our Discord network gives you access to a community of WiCS members that are always willing to answer questions, share exciting opportunities, and more!

Do I have to be a Computer Science major to participate?

Definitely not! Although many of our activities are designed to help students in the computing and technology majors excel, we welcome students of all backgrounds. If you are curious about this field or just want to learn something new, feel free to attend our events, meetings, and more!

When/Where are the meetings?

Being a part of our mailing list and follow us on Instagram is the best way to get the latest updates on meetings, events, and all other activities!

What do you do?

WiCS strives to host events and activities that allows the growing community of NJIT’s women technologists excel in their academics, careers, and more! This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Company Information Sessions

  • Workshops

  • Office Visits

  • Panels w/ Alumni, Industry Professionals, etc.

  • Social Events

  • Coding Challenges

  • Conferences

  • Hackathons

  • Community Service

Do you have an office?

Yes! We’re located in the back-right room of GITC 3703. WiCS members are welcome to use this space to study, work on projects, or simply hang out. Office Hours for Spring 2023 are on our home page

Do you provide networking opportunities?

Since our establishment at NJIT in 2015, WiCS has built a strong network of prominent companies, industry professionals, alumni, recruiters, and more. Below are some of the companies we have either hosted events with or where members have worked!


Other Questions?